Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

I took almost all of December off from swimming and biking to focus on my running. I don't think I've ever run over 100 miles in a month and I'm pretty sure I don't want to do it every month!

Swim-2500 yards
Bike-98.23 miles
Run-115.31 miles

2011 was the first year I logged all my workouts so I don't have anything to compare my numbers to but I'm pretty happy with myself. They look good to me or at least good enough to of allowed me to race the races I did!

2011 totals
Swim-160,515.8 yards
Bike-2239.01 miles
Run-764.25 miles

2011 was full of many exciting happenings.
I ran my first marathon.
Dave and I took an amazing trip to Australia and I got to hold this really cool koala!
M and I went on some wonderful adventures.
We celebrated Kathleen's graduation from ASU with both sets of grandparents!
I finished my first 1/2 Ironman, Vineman.
My friend Donna and I took the horses on a road trip to visit our friend, Denise on Whidbey Island, Washington. One of the highlights was a trip out on Gene's boat to go crabbing :)
I was able to go with Dave on a business trip to England.
I volunteered at IMAZ and met some wonderful Ironmoms.

I signed up for IMAZ 2012!!!
We celebrated Stephen's graduation from CLU when he walked with his classmates a year ago and re-celebrated in December when he completed his classes. We're really proud of him!

Today was full of sitting around, relaxing and eating. 
Tomorrow it's back to a regular routine. I'm so looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. What a great big year, and an even bigger one ahead! Very glad to have shared little bits of this with you, and can't wait to see your success this year!
