Monday, January 16, 2012

Getting back to it.

I'm having a blog fail month so far. I had the best of intentions and then things got busy!

My goal is to still lose some weight before Ironman training starts in April. I knew it would be hard to lose weight over the holidays and I also knew that I would, more than likely, gain some weight with all the goodies around. Well, I was spot on because I gained 6 pounds. I started logging my food at the beginning of the month and the first week I lost 4.8 pounds. Normal for me. Easy on and easy off as long as I get to it right away. Now I have about 20 pounds I'd still like to lose to make it overall easier on my body to workout. Week 2's weigh in had me at the same weight so now I have to just make the right choices and stay consistent and hopefully I'll be done with this whole losing weight thing soon :)

Running has been going pretty well. When I trained for my first marathon early in 2011, I had quite a few leg issues (tight IT band, etc.) that had me visiting my chiropractor weekly leading up to the race. So far, this time, I haven't had to go at all. I have some soreness but I've been able to relieve it with massage, rolling and my new recovery tights Dave got me for Christmas. I'm hoping I hold up for 3 more weeks and then I'm excited about going back to a more balanced tri training schedule! I've done my 2 longest runs of my training program, both 20 milers. Both times I asked Dave to drop me off in Los Gatos and after running up and down the Los Gatos Creek Trail,  I ran home. It's hard to find a good route for that distance!

Last weekend, I was invited to go to Carmel to celebrate a friends birthday. The original plan was to bike from Scott's Valley to Carmel with someone driving our vehicles and bags down. The large group that was originally going dwindled down to me and 2 other ladies that are super cyclists. I decided since the ride was the day after my 20 mile run that it would be stupid to ride down and hold the other two up since I know they would of been faster than me, so I went to Plan B which was drive down with a couple of other ladies and bike along the 17 Mile Drive. Much better choice! We took the inland loop to Pacific Grove for lunch and came back along the coast. It was only 26 miles round trip but the almost 2000 feet of climbing was enough for my tired legs!

Photo op in Pacific Grove

The birthday girl Arlene on the right and her friend Carol, who flew in from Utah, on the left. 

The Lone Cypress, a Carmel landmark.

We took a hike around town.

The Carmel Mission

Me and Megan on our hike.

You can't beat the weather!

The little bobby things between the rocks are sea otters. There was a huge colony of them out there.

We went tide pooling.

Looking over onto the Carmel Beach.

We've had an unusually warm and dry winter so far this year. Carmel was 70 on Friday and Saturday! That's all about to come to an end with some wet, cold weather coming our way later this week. I'll still run and swim outside but the bike will have to come in onto the trainer. That's ok, then I can catch up on TV!

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