Sunday, February 12, 2012

A serious rest week.

Coming off the marathon, I had planned for a well deserved rest week. I was serious. Really serious. I didn't do a single workout for 5 days!

I went to a job fair for a local coffee shop. I'd like to get a part time job and I thought this would be a fun place to work. It was.....interesting. There was quite the variety of people and I'm not sure what they are looking for. So far I haven't heard back so I think I'll have to keep looking!

I've had a scratchy little cough for the last couple of months. Yes, months! I've been trying to ignore it as I usually do with this annoying stuff. Tuesday, BAM, no ignoring it now. A cold hit me like a brick and I just hung out for the day.

Last year I turned 50 and that means it's time for a colonoscopy. Here is your public service announcement for the day. Don't put it off. It's really not a big deal. Today was prep day. The worst part was that after breakfast I had to fast until after the procedure Thursday. I didn't have to drink the prep solution until 6:00pm so Buddy and I went to the barn to kill some time and mostly to get away from the kitchen because I was starving! He had some playtime with his boxer friends, Brodie and Poppy.

My procedure was in the morning so I didn't have to think about my empty, starving stomach for long. For future reference, you can get light sedation or not so light sedation for a colonoscopy. I chose not so light because really, who wants to be aware of what's going on? As it turns out, it really was a simple procedure. I got a clean bill of health and probably won't have to have another one for 10 years. The worst part was the massive headache that hit me when I got home which was probably due to my not drinking my big mug of coffee that morning. No caffiene = a crankypants headache. The best part was my pulse was 40. The nurse asked me if I was an active person. All that cardio is paying off!

My last day of rest included eating to recoup for what I missed by not eating for 30 hours and a ride on my horse M with a couple of friends.

First workout of the week was a 5K around the neighborhood. I wanted to see how my legs would feel after the marathon. They felt good! I wanted to negative split the miles (did it) and finished in less then 30 min. Yea me! Later Dave and I went to see a movie on our quest to see all of this years Oscar nominated movies. We saw Extremely Loud and Incredible Close. Great movie! Then a nice dinner out and the day was done.

Dave and I went on a 40 mile bike ride. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny! It felt good to get a good ride in and fun to ride with Dave. 

After lunch Dave, Kathleen and I went to Savannah Chanelle Winery to pick up our wine shipment and stayed for some wine tasting! Good way to end the weekend.

I had a good 5 day rest with a fun weekend of workouts. In 10 weeks I'll start my official Ironman training. Between now and then, I have a plan. More about that later :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice week!!! Buddy so needs to come over and play with the beardies. He's so similar to their play style. Good to see you this morning!
